Upcoming Events

Community Concert featuring Charlie Zahm
Free Community Concert - A Musical Salute to Scotland and Ireland.

Chili Luncheon
We will gather for warm fellowship and a lovely meal following the GSPC Annual Meeting.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services are scheduled for 4 pm and 7 pm, with a Zoom-only service at 10 pm. Details to follow.

Christmas Concert & Dinner
The Community Christmas Concert will feature the GSPC Choir and Band, and will be both reflective and joyful! Followed by a festive time of fellowship at the annual Christmas Dinner in Weber Hall. More details to follow.

Advent Night
Join the Deacons for Advent Night, enjoy a pizza dinner, and help with activities to serve our community. Please sign up on the signup sheet in the Narthex. Activities include helping make meals for Caring for Friends, making soup and snack bags for Manna on Main Street, and packaging bags of rice for Hope for Prison Ministry.
The Worship Committee will also decorate the church for the Advent Christmas season. Many hands make light work. Please sign up on the Deacons list so they can order enough pizza for everyone!

Hiking Ministry
3-mile group hike on the last Saturday of each month, April through October

"Daniel" at Sight & Sound Theater, Lancaster
The Congregational Life Team is organizing a trip to Sight and Sound in Lancaster, PA, to see Daniel on October 1, 2024. For those who have never experienced a Sight and Sound production, they provide outstanding productions of Bible-based stories in a live setting unlike any you have ever seen.
We are reserving tickets for the 11:00 a.m. show on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, and plan to have lunch at one of the area restaurants. We will travel by coach bus, and anticipate this will be a full day, approximately 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
If interested in the trip, please sign up in the narthex, or call the church office.

Hiking Ministry
3-mile group hike on the last Saturday of each month, April through October

Sunday School Kick-off
Families, bring your kids to Sunday School at 9 am as we welcome them back from summer vacation and provide encouragement for the new school year!

Hiking Ministry
3-mile group hike on the last Saturday of each month, April through October

Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs Baseball Game
GSPC members head to Allentown to watch the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs (Phillies AAA team) take on the Scranton/Wilkes Barre RailRiders. A night of wholesome affordable family fun with good food and fellowship! (This year’s outing is sold out as of June 9.)

Hiking Ministry
3-mile group hike on the last Saturday of each month, April through October

Hiking Ministry
3-mile group hike on the last Saturday of each month, April through October

Hiking Ministry
3-mile group hike on the last Saturday of each month, April through October

Spring Mission Week
Volunteers brighten lives! Sign up now to participate in a service project this Spring

GSPC Spring Concert
Join us for an afternoon of joyful music presented by our GSPC ensembles